Everybody wants to be successful in life, we all want success to be attributed to who we are but there are different type of success. They are SHORT TERM SUCCESS AND LONG TERM SUCCESS. Nobody want to have a short term success,we all desire a long term success but there are keys to having a long term success. They are
1. EDUCATION:- Education is very important in one's journey through life. It might be formal or informal.
2. SKILLS:- What skills do you have that you have not discovered and what skills have you discovered that you have not developed? Your natural skills are inbuilt so if you focus on them,you will shine through and through.
3. LIFE EXPERIENCE:- Don't allow yourself to be influence in the negative direction because of bad experiences you might have and don't allow yourself to think you can't achieve it because you have tried to do something before and it failed. NEVER DWELL ON YOUR PAST NEGATIVE EXPERIENCE.
4. PERSONAL CHERACTER (Personal development ):- What kind of cheracter do you have? How do you see yourself? In what light do you see yourself? Do you see yourself achieving your dreams or do you see yourself as the one who couldn't achieve a previous little goal talkless of achieving this big thing you are thinking? Do you see yourself as the one that never gives up no matter what happens or do you see yourself as the one that is constantly failing no matter what you do? Do you know that the two sentences means the same thing? But it depends on how you see it. SO WHAT IS YOUR CHERACTER TOWARDS YOUR DREAM???
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Saturday, 4 June 2016
Some people are living life without a goal or a vision, they just take life as it comes and then say to themselves "I don't know why this is happening to me" or they say I have a lot of things I want to acieve but they never really start on any of them. Some even refer to themselves as being "unlucky" but the question is "ARE THEY TRULY UNLUCKY OR THEY DON'T HAVE A GOAL OR VISION OF WHAT TRULY WANT" Because people who don't understand the importance of goals are always running into walls. The wall is what they termed as being "unlucky" YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHAT YOU WANT BEFORE YOU CAN GO AFTER IT. Be sure of that dream or that business idea and then go after it with full force. Don't do it because someone else is doing it because you don't know the kind of goal or vision that person has for herself or himself or the conditions they are in while they set it which might not favour you because IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING,YOU MIGHT END UP SOMEPLACE ELSE.
Thursday, 2 June 2016
Who you are today is as a result of what you said concerning yourself yesterday. What you said concerning yourself is as a result of the kind of people you surround yourself with and the kind of views they have towards life. To be a true success in life,you have to invest your mind,your thought and your time so IF YOU WANT TO BE SUCCESSFUL,YOU NEED TO BE ACUTELY AWARE OF WHO YOU ARE SPENDING YOUR TIME WITH. This should be a very crucial consideration because WHO YOU SPEND YOUR TIME WITH DETERMINES ALOT ABOUT YOU WITHOUT YOU EVEN KNOWING IT.
Friday, 13 May 2016
Every human is unique in his or her own way, alot of talents are in each and every one of us, it is left to us to discover it and make the utmost use of it. There is a lot of untapped potentials in each and everyone of us. The special creativity that is embedded in one person is not the same with the creativity of another person but alot of us don't believe in ourselves and say "I don't think I can do it" or "This is meant for the more educated peoole" but you know within yourself that you can do it but you do not believe in yourself. EVERYBODY IS CREATIVE BUT ALOT OF PEOPLE DON'T BELIEVE IN THEIR OWN CREATIVITY. Ask yourself this question " If I don't believe in myself,who will? " YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF BEFORE OTHERS CAN BELIEVE IN YOU. BELIEVE IN YOUR OWN BRILIANCY.
Turn the negative words that were said concerning you into positivity. Never believe what anybody said to you that is not align with the word of God in your life. Negative words might have been said to you at one point in your life but don't allow it to stick on and make you think of yourself as a lesser human being. What was said concerning you is not your responsibility but it is your responsibility if you allow it to dictate the direction your life goes. BE SOMEBODY! Remember GOD NEVER TAKES TIME TO BUILD A NOBODY. EVERYBODY GOD CREATES IS CREATED TO BE SOMEBODY.
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
The impossibilities of yesterday are the possibilities of today.Never throw away an idea just because you think it is impossible,give it a chance because you never know what dividend that idea might yield so never underestimate the value of any idea.How you nurture that idea is what really matters.Remember that greatness does not depend on your position in life but upon your respect of the positive ideas that flows into your imagination.
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
There will never be another NOW,you should make the most of today because whatever you do or don't do (Either positive or negative) is stamped in your history. There will never be another YOU,you should make the most of YOURSELF by living to your full potentials and try as much as you can to live your dream to the full.
Monday, 2 May 2016
Today you should do what others won’t, so that when its tomorrow, you can accomplish what others can’t because you have done what others didn't do yesterday. Save that money today,curb all unnecessary spending,make that sacrifice, think about what you can do for your future and invest in it.
Saturday, 30 April 2016
The strength or depth of human wisdom is unfathomable. God has given us a truly divine gift and that gift is our MIND. Human can do anything as long as he set his mind on it. The more humans can think and project a vision, the more easy he can attain it. All you need is a positive thinking mind and as long as you have that, you can do anything. Remember that as long as you can think it, you can achieve it. You can not comprehend what lies within you or what you can achieve until YOU BEGIN TO PROJECT YOUR THOUGHTS WITH A POSITIVE MIND.
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
The great achievers of today are people that broke out from the realm which they were familiar with into a realm where anything is possible because they were able to release their potentials. They refuse to accept it when people or circumstances tell them they can't do it because it is impossible rather, they keep working at it and they keep making waves. Don’t stop when you are able to accomplish a particular goal because WHAT YOU HAVE ACCOMPLISH IS NO LONGER A POTENTIAL BUT A RELEASED POTENTIAL. Refuse to be satisfied with your latest accommplishment but rather try some more so you can accomplish more.
Thursday, 21 April 2016
There is more to life than being born, eating, sleeping and so on. There is a purpose for which each one of us is born and this purpose can only be accomplished by each individual. There is a numerous potential imbibed in every human. When you were born,a specific ability and purpose was bestowed upon you, choosing to recognise it or not depends on you but that ability is in you. It is better to have not been born than to live and not fulfil the purpose for which you were given life. EVERY PURPOSE IS IMPORTANT, NO ABILITY IS USELESS OR UNIMPORTANT. Remember that the greatest tragedy in life is not death but a life that fails to fulfil it's purpose and potentials.
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
You are what you are today as a result of your thoughts towards yourself yesterday and what you will be tomorrow is a result of what you are thinking concerning yourself today. Your external environment which is your attitude is as a result of the state of your internal environment which is your mind and your thought. Your internal environment has to be conducive and positive so that your potential seed can germinate. So put away negative thoughts and concentrate on the positive ones then your attitude can only be beautiful and your life transformed.
Having no money or a job should not dictate the way your life should go and it certainly does not mean you are poor if you still have a dream which you are working towards. Your lack of money today is temporal and not permanent. The only person that can be categorised as the poorest person in the world is someone without a dream. ALWAYS HAVE A DREAM NO MATTER HOW OLD YOU ARE. Having a dream is not limited to young people. DARE TO DREAM!!!
Friday, 15 April 2016
Life is a journey and we all pass through different phases. There is the difficult times and the happy times. Situations may arise that maybe above what you think you can handle but our responses in this period matters alot and goes a long way BECAUSE YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO CONTROL THE SITUATION BUT YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR RESPONSE TO THE PROBLEM (react to everything with a positive attitude) Remember EVERY PROBLEM HAS AN EXPIRY DATE AND NO PROBLEM LAST FOREVER.
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Great people are ordinary people with extraordinary amount of determination. The people who are successful today are people who determined that nothing is going to hold them back,no hiccups on their way to success will make them quit that dream of theirs. They have a desire to be great and they are super determined to do all it takes ( positively ) to get there.
The greatness of a man is measured by the way he treats the little man and not the amount of wealth he has accumulated. Compassion for the weak is a sign of greatness. When you become great(and even now)treat the weak with kindness because you don't know what that weak person will turn out to be tomorrow...
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
To accomplish great things we must not only act, but we must also dream, not only plan, but we must also believe. So you must endeavour to act on your dreams so it wont just be a dream and believe in your plans so you can be confident about yourself because if you don't, who will?
Sunday, 10 April 2016
Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. The only thing that can keep you from achieving whatever it is you thought of in your mind is you because AS LONG AS YOU CAN DREAM IT AND BELIEVE IT,YOU CAN DO IT. So stretch your wings of imagination and fly to the dream land and DO NOT LET YOUR FEARS OR DOUBT CONFINE YOU OR DEFINE YOU.
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
Who you were or the family circumstances you were born into is not your responsibility, you might not even be responsible for how you got to any predicament you are right now but you are responsible if you continue to live your life the way it is because all you ever need to change is in you (DETERMINATION ) It doesn't matter who you were or who you are,what really matter is WHO WILL YOU BE? And that question can only be answered with your action and determination. Who are you determined to be and what is the action you are taking towards achieving that purpose.
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Humans have the ability to enlarge their mind and the way they think, making the mind of a human something so amazing. An average thinking person can become an A+ thinking person if he or she finds the appropriate environment with the right people to motivate him or her. When you treat people the way they are,they remain that way but WHEN YOU TREAT THEM AS THOUGH THEY ARE WHAT THEY CAN BE AND HELP THEM,THEN THEY BECOME WHAT THEY ARE CAPABLE OF BECOMING. If you have a child that is an average student,don't mistreat or abuse the child but rather help the child into becoming what he/she is capable of becoming by providing the right environment and always tell them "you can do it". By doing so,you are sharpening their mind and making them see what they can become.
Sunday, 3 April 2016
To be a success in life,you have to put an extra effort when others say they are tired, you have to think beyond where you are right now if you don't want to stay there and think about that next phase of your life. Don't allow any circumstances to happen to you unaware, be the dictator of your life and push yourself beyond your normal limits and your comfort zone then you will have success knocking on your door.
Friday, 1 April 2016
If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough. Be contented with what you have and make use of it judiciously and never be ashamed because you don't have a particular thing because WITH TIME AND HARDWORK,YOU WILL HAVE ALL THAT YOU DESIRE.
Thursday, 31 March 2016
Nothing great has ever been achieved except by those who dared to believe that something inside them is superior to circumstances. Don’t ever think a position or anything you might have dream of is too high or too much for you BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING INSIDE OF YOU THAT NOBODY ELSE HAVE. So believe in yourself and believe in your potentials and YOU WILL DO GREAT THINGS.
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Pen down your thoughts, the thought that is penned down can never be forgotten and it can become a plan which you can make use of but a thought that is not penned down is easily forgotten and nothing can be make of it. So no matter how small you think a thought or an idea is, PEN IT DOWN, don't say I cannot forget because even computers sometimes loose their memory.
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
See your competition as a learning source, as friends who can keep you sharp and teach you where your weaknesses are and then you can improve on them and become a better you. Don't see your competition as an enemy because the truth be told,your friends will only pamper you but your competitor will always try to sabotage you then you can always know your weak points and work on how you can improve on them. REMEMBER EVERY TEST THAT COMES YOUR WAY IS NOT A MEANS FOR YOU TO FAIL, BUT AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO IMPROVE YOURSELF.
The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation.You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live and how impactful you are to the people around you...
Monday, 28 March 2016
Don't allow lack of money to determine your dreams or your goals or the level of success you want to achieve. MONEY IS NOTHING BUT A TOOL, Lack of money should not stop you from dreaming or setting goals for yourself. You not having cash today doesn't mean your life is over and it doesn't mean you should set small goals for yourself or you should stop dreaming all together because when you have the money tomorrow but you dont have a valid dream or an already set goals, You tend to squander the money...So always be focused on your dreams and goals no matter the circumstances.
Sunday, 27 March 2016
Great people are ordinary people with extraordinary amount of determination,they dont give up no matter how tough the situation is, they strive to make something great and beautiful out of themselves. Irrespective of the circumstances,they come out victorious and are never tired of trying something new. Determin to make something great out of yourself and never give up on any of your dream no matter how tough things are and you will be the epitome of GREATNESS.
Saturday, 26 March 2016
You were not born a winner and neither were you born a loser. You are what you make yourself to be and what you believe you can be so have a dream,believe in it,work hard towards making your dream a reality and nothing can stop you from being a WINNER...
There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing but if you want to be something great you have to expect criticism; even if you do nothing and you don't say anything,you will still be criticised for doing nothing and for not saying anything when you were supposed to. So why not do all you can and be criticised for what you believe in. REMEMBER EVERY GREAT PERSON THAT EVER LIVED HAVE BEEN CRITICISED ONE WAY OR THE OTHER OVER WHAT THEY BELIEVED IN.
Friday, 25 March 2016
Friends can give you advice and share with you their opinion, they can also share with you their insight about any matter but they should never have the final word because the only one who can make a decision and live with the result or consequence is you. Nobody will shoulder the consequence of your actions with you (no matter who they are), they can only sympathise with you and remember that the consequence will not happen to any other person but you so do what you believe you must do,be true to yourself,to your ideals and to your dreams.
Success is failure turned inside out and you can never tell how close you are to success until you don't give up. Not giving up is what makes a difference between a success and a failure beacuse it may be near when it seems so far. Things can seem so difficult and impossible but stick to the fight when you are hit the hardest because it's when things get worst that you mustn't quit... You can decide to be a failure or a success,it all depends on your ability to not quit or to quit
Thursday, 24 March 2016
We all are aware that alot of things is going on around the world, in the country where we live and even in our immediate community. People kill eachother everyday, rape underage girls and even the ones that are not underage are being raped all the time and sometimes go as far as killing these victims after raping them. There are some that are being charged for a crime they know nothing about while some people cannot afford a meal per day. There are some graduates who can't even find a job and turn to motorcycle riders and drivers but no matter how tough the world,country and the community where you live might be, DON'T ALLOW WHAT HAPPENS AROUND YOU AFFECT WHAT IS WITHIN YOU. Irrespective of the condition you find yourself,be beautiful in and out...
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Everybody has two sides in them,infact all things has two sides to them. The two sides are the POSITIVE and the NEGATIVE. Who we are or who we turn out to be depends on the side which we feed more or give more attention to. Positive will always be positive and negative will always be negative. Don't allow yourself to become negative because someone does something bad to you and you want to reciprocate because before you know what is happening,you are already negative yourself. Keep in mind that THE LITTLE HABITS WE PICK UP TODAY BECOMES OUR CHERACTER TOMORROW so becareful of the side you feed more because we feed them or allow them to dominate without even knowing while we stay busy justifying our action with a particular incidence but the most important thing is to choose carefully which side to feed more or allow to dominate...NEGATIVE OR POSITIVE?
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
Dream is the vivid picture of what we want or who we want to be in our mind. There is a saying that "WHATEVER YOUR MIND CAN THINK OF,YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH. There are different kind of dreams. There are those who dream small dreams,big dreams and great dreams. There are those whose dream is only to be able to put food on their table and there are those whose dream is to be comfortable in all aspect of their life and there are also those whose dreams are great dreams that will benefits a lot of people. It is not as if different kinds of dreams belong to different kind of people,It is us humans who decide unconsciously to take on the kinds of dreams we dream but we can consciously change it if we want to and before we know it,it becomes who we are unconsciously. IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE WHO YOU ARE,BEGIN BY CHANGING THE SIZE OF YOUR DREAM because people who dream small dream continue to live their life as small people. Dreaming big/great costs you nothing but your mind. WHY NOT DREAM BIG???
Choose who you hang out with so carefully because friends can make you in life and they can also break you.who you hang out with will determine what you are and the way you talk and the way you talk is very important because that is how you chart the course of your life.Be with people who have such high hopes for themselves,who dream of doing something big with their life then you can only be inspired to do what they plan to do or even do better than them but when you hang out with people who have ZERO dreams or hope,you will think there is no more to life because you will be their president with the little dreams and hope you have and without anybody to cheer you up on your dreams and hopes,they either away so surround yourself with positive people,with people that will say to you "YOU CAN DO IT,DREAM HIGHER"and not the ones that will say"OH BOY,YOU TOO DEY DREAM,ABEG LOWER YOUR DREAM"...So if your friends are those whose dreams and hopes are so low or with no dreams atall,pick a race out of that relationship.Remember you are only as good as the community of people you hang out with.
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